Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Good Things about having cancer...

#1) I get to see Thomas all day everyday.  Even when I am too tired to do anything (like the other day) I just lay down on the ground, lay all his toys on and around me and he just crawls over me and around me and sits down and plays.  Heaven

#2) I see my family everyday.  Every night we all sit down to dinner (my mom, my dad, Bob and I) and eat dinner together and talk.  Some nights we don't have much to talk about, but I will cherish this time where I get to see my parents everyday.

#3) Reconnecting with old friends when they find out your diagnosis.  M: I loved loved loved seeing you today and catching up! Even though it's been 10+(!) years it felt like no time had passed and we were just sitting down and laughing and talking like we used to.  You are such a good, wonderful, funny person...just like you were 10 years ago. I heart you...

#4) No one questions it when you say you just need to lie down for a minute.  There is nothing like a good uninterrupted mid day nap ;)

#5) The kindness of strangers.  I was shopping at Cost Plus today, picking up some glass containers to put Thomas's leftovers in, and this total stranger (NOT a store associate) just randomly made eye contact, smiled and asked me how I was doing.  And no he was not hitting on me....pretty sure you don't get picked up on in the middle of day when you are bald.

There are lots of good things that come out of this...but those are just the ones that happened to me today.


1 comment:

  1. i'm all verklempt. thank you... i feel the same way about you! despite what you are going thru, you are simply radiant and your outlook on all of it is awe-worthy.


    ps. and if i were a dude i'd totally hit on you, bald or not!
